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Developing Creations

Now that your creation is set up, you can get creating!

The minepicker dev command is used to output a development build of your creation which rebuilds upon each change to your source files. This is the version of your creation that should be used for testing.

minepicker dev

The folder that the build is outputted in is determined by the directories field within the creation's configuration file (creation.json).

Updating Configuration

Updates to your creation.json file will result in any instances of the minepicker dev command being terminated. For configuration changes to take effect, you must re-run the command.

Add-Ons and Editor Extensions

The outputted folder contains the built files for your add-on, including compiled scripts. By default, packs are built to the appropriate development_*_packs directories in your com.mojang.


If your behavior pack includes scripts, Minepicker Creator sets up a few extra features to help your development experience!

  • Automatic Reload — During development we run a WebSocket that Minecraft can connect to in order to automatically reload the world whenever your scripts are rebuilt. By default, the WebSocket's port is set to 19145 and can be connected to by running the following Minecraft command:

    /connect localhost:19145

    The automatic reload functionality can be configured or disabled via your creation configuration.

  • Debugging — When setting up a behavior pack with scripts, we create a .vscode/launch.json file and, during development, source maps are created. This enables functionality in the Minecraft Bedrock Edition Debugger Visual Studio Code extension, which can be used to set breakpoints, debug errors and view world diagnostics.

    By default, the debugging port is set to 19144, but this can be changed in the .vscode/launch.json file.

Script Libraries

If you have set up an example creation in your script library, the development command will output built scripts to the example behavior pack scripts node_modules directory. By default, the development build of the script library can be imported in the behavior pack scripts by importing the test module:

import ... from "test";

To change the development name of the script library, you should update the directories field in your creation configuration like so:

"directories": {
"source": "src",
"development": "example/BP/scripts/node_modules/my-example", // import ... from "my-example";
"build": "build"